Our team is driven to continuously push the boundary of current knowledge and is actively involved in state-of-the-art research.

We are the authors of over 60 publications in world-class technical journals on the topics of: seismic assessment of masonry buildings, shake table testing, and the development of innovative and cost-effective seismic retrofitting techniques. Collectively we have co-delivered over 80 presentations at technical conferences worldwide.


Research Work 


Out-of-plane strengthening of unreinforced masonry walls using near surface mounted fibre reinforced polymer strips.

The work included development of an innovative technique for retrofitting earthquake prone masonry buildings when these are face loaded in the most critical loading configuration. This technique has been adopted and used in New Zealand and internationally in at least 12 real building projects.

Dizhur, D., Griffith, M., & Ingham, J. (2014). Out-of-plane strengthening of unreinforced masonry walls using near surface mounted fibre reinforced polymer strips. Engineering Structures, 59, 330-343. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2013.10.026 

In-plane shear improvement of unreinforced masonry wall panels using NSM CFRP strips.

Dr Dmytro Dizhur developed an innovative technique for retrofitting earthquake prone masonry buildings when loaded in the in-plane direction. This technique has since been successfully adopted and used in New Zealand and internationally. The data generated from this study was later utilised in the development of the national design guidelines that were disseminated to practicing consulting engineers.

Dizhur, D., Griffith, M., & Ingham, J. (2013). In-plane shear improvement of unreinforced masonry wall panels using NSM CFRP strips. Journal of Composites for Construction, 17(6).  doi:10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000400


Seismic retrofit of masonry walls using timber strong-backs. 

Dr Dmytro Dizhur developed an innovative technique for retrofitting earthquake prone masonry buildings when loaded in the out-of-plane direction. The vertical timber framing that is typically considered to be a non-structural support for the inner wall lining was used as part of the retrofit solution and was fixed to the wall using mechanical screw-ties in order to form a strong-back. 

Dizhur, D., Giaretton, M., Giongo, I., & Ingham, J. (2017). Seismic retrofit of masonry walls using timber strong-backs. journal of the N.Z. Structural Engineering Society 30(1): 57-81 Apr 2017.       

The demise of the URM building stock in Christchurch during the 2010-2011Canterbury earthquake sequence. 

This study summarises the findings reported at the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission and is the definitive reference on one of the most critical aspects of the Canterbury earthquakes. This work was published in the second highest ranked earthquake engineering journal in the world.

Moon, L., Dizhur, D., Senaldi, I., Derakhshan, H., Griffith, M., Magenes, G., & Ingham, J. (2014). The demise of the URM building stock in Christchurch during the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence. Earthquake Spectra, 30(1), 253-276. doi:10.1193/022113EQS044M
